BLUE CALLA SKIN CARE IS AWESOME!! From the beginning of the creation of these incredible products this skin care has proven to be the best!! I personally witnessed the change it made in Trisha’s skin…almost unbelievable but true!!! My daughter was 16 when she started having these little bumps all over her face. It was just rough and did not look like young skin. She and I began to use the Specialty Scrub and Help Moisturizer! Her skin just continued to become smoother and smoother. She was hooked and we continued to use Blue Calla for many years. Somehow we drifted away from these produces when we moved and she got married several years later. Now she too has a daughter who is 17 and her skin was starting to show the same issues. Also I am getting older and unfortunately I have neglected myself for years. Finally, I thought “What am I doing? I have access to the best skin care I have ever seen!” I have many brands, some of which were well known and quite expensive. I looked up Blue Calla last month on the internet and purchased that perfect Specialty Scrub and Help Moisturizer. I shared a little with my granddaughter who said “Grandma, this is SO GREAT!!” My daughter has also decided to return and her son, who is 14, said “Grandma may I have some too?” From the first time I used the scrub my face felt totally different. It was soft and smooth again. ONE application and I could actually see and feel the change. I am just loving it!! Wish I had never drifted away. So now all four of us will be showing off our great skin! YOU CAN TRUST BLUE CALLA!