I was referred by a friend to Blue Calla and Trisha in my early 20s for my then, cystic acne. Finally! I found products that worked and didn’t irritate my skin…..and no harmful side effects! Fast forward a few years…and suddenly……I lost Trisha! Her website was down…I couldn’t get through on the phone. Needless to say, I was devastated. What would I do now??? Over the years I tried a SEVERAL other products on the mark from cheap to expensive…….and the results were always the same: my skin was either was irritated or dull and dry. Then a miracle happened. About a month ago, for some reason, I tried to find Blue Calla again…..probably over desperation and frustration. And there it was! I called the number…and hearing Trisha’s voice almost made me cry! I am now in my early 40s….no acne….but just looking for something for my dull, lifeless skin…and wrinkle prevention. Trisha’s products are the BEST! Her “scrub”…..well let’s just say that if I was stranded on a deserted island and allowed to have my top 5 things…that scrub would be with me. It is a TRUE game changer. Within 5 days of using her regimen of products….my skin did a complete 180. Youthful, plump, hydrated, younger….need I say more?! Regardless of your skin issues, your age, where you live……her products are the best. In fact, after that 5 days….I took my garbage can to the bathroom and dumped every skincare product in my medicine cabinet and cupboard…..regardless of how much I spent…..because now that I found Blue Calla again…I’m NOT going back to anything else! Ever!