I have used Blue Calla for about twenty five years; and I plan to use it consistently for the rest of my years! I say consistently because initially I did bounce back and forth between Blue Calla and other products sold in shiney packages that promised to be the next miracle product. I am finished straying to other lines. Blue Calla helps make my skin radiant and it’s fragrance free = no stinky-smell surprises!
I was diagnosed with rosacea many years ago and I tried the dermatologist approach, but my skin didn’t improve. When I switched to Blue Calla, and I stayed with it, the redness and irritation of my complexion has calmed down completely. Now I’ll go out in public without foundation and people compliment my skin! This has been true even though I am in treatment for cancer (the chemo can really mess with the skin) but not when I use Blue Calla!
My go-to products are Veloutee Creme Cleanser, Herbal Hydrating Toner, Specialty Scrub, Help Moisturizer, Advanced Results Night Serum, plus Dry Skin Moisturizer and Advanced Peel Solution as needed. It may sound like a lot of products, but it really is an easy regimen to follow and it’s affordable. And it’s so fun to receive compliments about my skin from strangers and friends alike! After all, who doesn’t want radiant skin?